Sunday, December 25, 2016

Peja City

Peja City 

Tourist in Peja
What you need to know about Peja...

Peja is a beautiful city in north-western of Republic of Kosovo, Peja is mostly known for its demografic region lied beneath of so called "damned mountains" (bjeshket e nemuna) because they are filled with tremendous nature beauties and traditional background as well.

Peja is also known for its rivers and springs all around its area the first famous spring is "White Drini Spring" that has its source in "Radavc" a big willage in the suburbs of Peja, creating in this way the river of (Burimi i drinit) "White spring river". The second one is (Bistrica e Pejes) this  is a beautiful river that lies across the center of Peja. Peja is also known to  have hot springs that can be found in Ilixhe, a wonderful place to relax also beautiful.

Cities of Kosovo

Cities of Kosovo 

The Republic of Kosovo has 30 municipalities, although newly declared state Kosovo has been helped by USA and Europe and UN overall to establish its modern ruling system. A big help was given to the decentralization of competences to municipalities, therefore some cities existed before and some others were created after the independence declaration and nowadays Kosovo has these wonderful cities where you can find peaceful places to visit.

  1. Deçan 
  2. Sharr
  3. Gjakovë
  4. Drenas
  5. Gjilan
  6. Burim 
  7. Kaçanik
  8. Dardanë
  9. Kline
  10. Fushe Kosove
  11. Albanik
  12. Lipjan
  13. Malisheve
  14. Mitrovice
  15. Artane
  16. Kastriot
  17. Rahovec
  18. Peje
  19. Podujevë
  20. Prishtine
  21. Prizren
  22. Skenderaj
  23. Shterpce 
  24. Shtime
  25. Therande
  26. Ferizaj
  27. Viti
  28. Vushtrri
  29. Zubin Potok
  30. Zveqan

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Visit Kosovo

Why visit Kosovo in brief !!!

Kosovo is a country in south-eastern Europe surrounded by Albania in the south-west part, Macedonia in the south-east, Serbia north and east and Montenegro in the west side. The territory of Kosovo lies in Balkan part of Europe and consists mostly in nature and mountains, the landscape will mostly be green in three seasons except for the winter when the snow will turn everything in white. There are lots of mountains surrounding Kosovo alongside the borders if you look it in the map you will see the state of Kosovo has its natural borders written with mountains. These mountains do not just surround the state but they are the most beautiful part that Kosovo has to visit probably the first places in the list. This is the reason that I started my body text with these hills, they embed a heavy weight of traditional, history and stories of survival and because of this in the eyes of Kosovo citizens you will always find empathy when having to mention the mountains. There are lots of places to visit but I will write for every place a separated topic so one can find their favorite place to visit by reading my stories.

The perfect Nature

Another part popular to visit in Kosovo are rivers, springs and ravens one unquestionable part that you will not want to miss, a pure nature that only mother nature gave to this place making the country rich with waters and with fauna. For most part of the world the country of Kosovo might sound yet another unsafe country that you will not be interested to visit but you are wrong, Kosovo is a very welcoming place and people are very nice and open to visitors. The tradition of the open heart to the guest is a history planted by our ancestors, there are some laws It was like a constitution (called Kanuni) that was written 5 centuries ago and our nation used to implement them as the laws that exist today, one of the rules of this wise book was "Bread, Salt and Heart to the guest" the meaning is give everything  you have to the guest on your house. I bet you will still feel this welcome part of the Kosovo nation if you will be a guest in one family in Kosovo. Another very interesting part to mention is the population of Kosovo consist of young people that are very pro American and can speak English very good as good as in some cases you will feel like being in one American country.

Monuments and Museums

Another place that you might be interested to visit is museums and monuments that are few because the war destroyed them and the authorities of Kosovo is now rebuilding them but that you can visit like three or four that might take lots of your attention and give you a very nice experience about the past here and the weird tradition but that is a characteristic of my nation.

Gastronomy and accommodation (food and host)

Yet another detail to mention is the gastronomy and the hotels and the food and everything is cheaper considering the state where you come from. Most of the restaurants and hotels are foreign investments made by people of Kosovo who once left to live in west civilization, they prospered saved money and came back to invest, this is an important detail to mention because you will be accommodated in a 4 or 5 star hotel with the average price of  50$ per day, or you will be eating a fresh cooked fish for 5USD$. It means that you will be visiting Kosovo for about 1000$ including the fare, accommodation in 5 star hotel, best food around and being able to see the best places of Kosovo. Ohhhh... when mentioning the food you need to try flia and pite an traditional kitchen made mostly from milk soy and mixture of dough and vegetables or meat, I might try to explain the excellent taste but I will be thousand times worse!! you need to come here and try them.

Readers of this blog have to keep in mind that I am an author that had the chance to visit places around the world and saw lots of beautiful creations of nature and monuments and decided to offer an open opportunity or an introduction of my country because I am very excited to get reviews about places of Kosovo, it is a true beauty that worth's visiting.

I will keep writing about all the places that deserve to be seen in my next blogs.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Purpose of the blogg

I am Betim Rexhaj born on 05 June 1989 in Peja Kosovo. As every child of these years in Balkan I had to face war and the worst scenario of Serbian army, I was just 10 years old when the official killing and burning was going on in the streets of Kosovo. A former system was being destroyed and Serbians were the ones to miss these territories that were falling apart from them and they chose violence to settle things down. it was not far when USA and most of EU countries intervened to stop the war in Kosovo and bring peace to the people of this country. I was just 11 years old when I received my first present from a nice family from USA, a cute box with little toys and school things inside that made me very very happy, aside of these toys there was a small picture of a beautiful girl of my age and a short text written behind, I suppose it had the greetings from the family and there was a phone number to call in case we needed help from this American pride. None of  our family was in knowledge of any word of English and we lost the picture after years but something remained in my heart since then and it was the polite and generous spirit of American people that I will always keep in my soul. Years after this USA accomplishment Kosova declared their independence and became a free and sovereign state and I was determined to keep going with my career I joined secondary economic school in Peja. I studied more in English Language and became better with it.

Kosovo was improving as I was too, it looks like we are both on the same age, lots of monuments burned during the war were and are still being renovated to stand for more centuries for other generations to serve. As I was improving and learning the same way to prepare for my next facings. In 2010, I was admitted in Linnaeus University in Sweden as an exchange student to study business administration, I was giving my all effort to achieve as Kosovo was trying to rebuilt and create jobs for their youths, but not all these young people could find their selves in the new state, lots of them chose to live their life in some more older countries leaving behind the low scale of progress for someone else. Our next experiences were corruption and political issues but Kosovo and I stood still and kept hope that good days are there for us. I traveled and learned and saw things that Kosovo needs from me and people like me I saw that there are lots of much rich places in this world, much much more rich but the people stood there when those places were poor and that is why they are rich now.

Summing up, my entire text is a presentation to give an introductory to the topic that I am going to deal with in my writing, I have come to a decision to write about Kosovo and all the places and villages and the cities of my beautiful country. I want to present the world's inhabitants what they can find and visit if they fly here. There are bunch of wonderful views that one can see, monuments, culture, people, mountains, the Albanian beautiful women and lots and lots more.

In the blog that I am going to write I will try to sum up most of the best places and things that one can find in Kosovo.