Cities of Kosovo
The Republic of Kosovo has 30 municipalities, although newly declared state Kosovo has been helped by USA and Europe and UN overall to establish its modern ruling system. A big help was given to the decentralization of competences to municipalities, therefore some cities existed before and some others were created after the independence declaration and nowadays Kosovo has these wonderful cities where you can find peaceful places to visit.
- Deçan
- Sharr
- Gjakovë
- Drenas
- Gjilan
- Burim
- Kaçanik
- Dardanë
- Kline
- Fushe Kosove
- Albanik
- Lipjan
- Malisheve
- Mitrovice
- Artane
- Kastriot
- Rahovec
- Peje
- Podujevë
- Prishtine
- Prizren
- Skenderaj
- Shterpce
- Shtime
- Therande
- Ferizaj
- Viti
- Vushtrri
- Zubin Potok
- Zveqan
Krejt qytetet kanë ekzistu edhe para lufte :P